This is a picture of Teddy and my friend Yolo as we were checking in at the San Diego airport on our way to Haiti. Do you see the big suitcases? There are two on the cart; two more behind Teddy, another one had already been checked in by Yolo...see the wrapped up stroller? That package had a car seat also. We had another plastic wrapped pack of two infant car seats. We brought at total of 350 pounds of luggage to Haiti with us!

Here is Teddy in the first airplane, we went on a paddle-jumper plane from San Diego to Los Angeles. From there we flew to Miami and on to Port au Prince, Haiti. We left at 6:30 p.m from San Diego and arrived at 7:30 a.m. the next day in Port au Prince.
We slept most of the time, aside from being woken up by the bumpy ride.
Here is Teddy with the airline hostesses that she made friends with.

When we arrived in Haiti, the morning of March 29th, Barbara, Mirlande and baby Tamarah met us at the airport. Since one of our luggage pieces (the stroller with the car seat) did not reach the airport with us, we did some errands around town and then returned to the airport to see if the missing luggage had come in on the next flight....It actually did not get to Haiti until two days later. --- Teddy and Tamarah took a nap in the backseat of the truck.