On my quick trip to Haiti, I got to spend time with Erna. She had a really high fever, but she seemed to be doing better by time I left. It was so fun to spend time with her one-on-one. I have always had Tamarah with me who is so jealous of me spending any time holding Erna. I missed Tamarah terribly though....
I also spent time with my honey... :-) Here he is holding Daniel. We had a nice time. We stayed at his mother's house and I got to meet most of his sisters, brothers, nephews, nieces and some friends of his that I had not met before. It was a fun but also a short trip. I will be back in Haiti in less than two weeks though...so not long... I will be taking Tamarah with me this next time. My other kids are mad because they are not going. But, who can afford those plane tickets?! I told my kids that they need to get a job to pay for their tickets. ... LOL....