Monday, May 5, 2008

Finals, kids & losing weight...

I thought that these two cartoons were so funny. I have been steadily losing weight for the past few months. I "fell off the wagon" once or twice, but am back on it and am "behaving myself"... at least when it comes to food. I have learned that a high protein, low carb eating style works best for me. When I try the low calorie, low fat and high carb eating, then I start binging because I have serious cravings.

Joshua is doing fine now, he is no longer homesick and is back in his routine in NYC. I admire him for his determination to make it in the modeling world. I support him, but I worry about him nonetheless.

Today, I have one law exam from 4:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. tonight! I know, what a time to take a law exam, but I work full-time, so when else can I take it, right?

Wish me good luck. ... I have another one at the same time next Monday and then I will be done for the semester. :-)